About Me

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Received my early education at the Rifle Range Road (2) Primary School, Kuala Lumpur. Attended junior high school at Raja Abdullah Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur and high school at Technical Institute, Kuala Lumpur. Further study at Mara Institute of Technology (ITM), Shah Alam, Selangor and obtained Certificate in Town and Regional Planning and Diploma in Quantity Surveying. Continued study in Mara University of Technology (UiTM) and obtained Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours). I am a skilled commercial manager with extensive background in-and thorough knowledge of- development, construction, maintenance and construction contracts. Also having knowledge and experience in project, facilities and property management. Experienced in developing and implementing competitive cost planning, project budgeting, cost controlling and development appraisal. Exceptional organizational, analytic and managerial skills. Career as Commercial Expert till now.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Contractor takes all ground condition risk?

The following clause was included in the Specification for one of the Project that were being managed by me.

As per the Appendix CC of the 1st Supplemental Agreement described:-

“13. Sub-Clause – Lump Sum Works – means the items of work and good, meterials and services to be supplied hereunder as shown in the Drawings and/or described by the Specification and/or in the Schedule of Prices which are not to re-measured.”

“S4.02 (1)          Soil Information

Any information of the properties of the soil that may be shown on the Drawings or obtained by the Contractor as a result of discussion with the Engineer shall alone not be considered as a sufficient basis for the Contractor's Bid Prices.

The Contractor is responsible for his interpretation of information supplied by the Employer and shall visit the Site and possible Borrow Pits prior to making his Bid and shall ascertain the nature of the soil, its quantity, locations, and suitability to meet the specified requirements.

He shall base his Bid estimates on the Employer's soil data supplemented by his own soil investigations.”

This would mean that the Contractor shall be deemed prior to submitting the Tender to have inspected and examined the Site and/or satisfied itself as to the nature of the ground and subsoil. No claim by the Contractor for additional payment or any extension of time shall be allowed on the ground of misunderstanding or misapprehension of these matters.

There was understandable concern from the contracting community when the first contracts containing this clause were issued for tender.

There are two particular difficulties with this approach:

1. the allocation of risk can be less a reflection that the parties have carried out thorough investigations and are comfortable with what they might encounter (and could price for it accordingly), than of the overriding desire by employers to have fixed prices and certain completion dates, and perhaps of unequal bargaining power; and

2. the bidders are unable to price for the risk with any certainty; any contingency would be guesswork. Ultimately, if the risk does not eventuate the contingency is wasted, and if it did, there would be no certainty that the contingency would be enough, resulting in costs to the project elsewhere (even if simply in legal fees).

This gives a gloss on the truism about allocation of risk, that a project which goes off the rails benefits no one. If your project is going to be late, rights in contract aren’t necessarily going to help; much like Neville Chamberlain returning from Munich in 1938, there is little practical benefit in holding up a piece of paper. Once a project has become a loss maker, most contractors will understandably look for ways to reduce that loss, rather than complete the project as well as the employer might have hoped. A right to sue won’t necessarily help anyone other than the lawyers.

Conversely, where there is considerable, high quality geotechnical information available, the contractor has the skill and the resources to deal with what they might find and all parties are comfortable with what will actually be encountered, this can be a very effective allocation of risk.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Indonesia Fun Fact

When someone says yes, does he or she mean yes or no. Indonesia is a gracious culture that is polite. Wanting to be agreeable and never wanting to embarrass another, the native language Bahasa Indonesia has 12 words that "say yes but really mean no. Unless you are fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, using English or another language will not convey the correct message. Even with a correct translation, though the literal translation for these 12 words would be yes, the culture requires a polite, agreeable response. Since saying no to someone is impolite, don't assume a positive response means you have agreement.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Tips and Tricks How to Deal With Lady Bosses

"She can not be a boss. Too emotional."
"Boss girl was bummer. Acne. Mood can not predict."
"Why the hell take care of the details. The great affair is even too. Basic women!"

So my friends opinion of a female boss. Remarkably, the opinion is not only out of the mouth of the Adam, but also women themselves. They claim to be happy led by the boss man for various reasons including, not moody, rarely bring personal problems to the office, do not micromanage, easy going, lead based on skill, and so forth.

How in my own opinion? Well, I've worked with a female boss sucks but also worked with the fun. I admit that only one of those statements. Many women bosses micromanage. The rest, depending on the woman's own personality. The boss man is also a lot of really acting like a presumption against female boss.

The problem is just one. Men more than women occupy top positions. Until now, no women at the top, then she would be under the spotlight and eventually be compared with the many male boss. Period!

So how to deal with unpleasant female boss?
1. Do not take it personal
     Usually the boss lady moody and irritable, often remarks, comments or scolding that would offend. She will also install soffit line with what comes out of his mouth. Hey, the work is just one part of life. So, do not enter into the heart the words that come out of the mouth of our superiors.

2. Understand the boss
     As a subordinate, we should be able to understand the attitude of our superiors. Their attitude must be a reason, though often the reason is personal. Usually, bad attitude of the boss lady has something to do with her personal problems. Consider carefully how she walked, how his family background, success it with her life partner. If we understand that she has personal problems, plus a huge responsibility on the job, then maybe we can be more tolerant. We will feel more grateful that our conditions better than herself. In the end, we will smile proudly that we can better cope with personal problems so do not bring to the workplace.

3. Deal with it
     She's the boss, and we are subordinate. However she has more power in our appeal. If we want to survive then we must accept the work of her attitude. Silence would be less draining than we are in conflict therewith. Flush the brain and heart to more important things such as the work itself.

4. Work for the work not for your boss
     Most people try to work to please her superiors. But when faced with the boss lady sucks, trying to please attitude is the most wrong thing to do. Because usually, they have an extremely high standard. When we were not able to provide appropriate what she wants, then we will be frustrated. So when we work, work as well as possible for our work is not working as well as possible so that The Boss is happy with the results.

5. Speak up
     Than we are complaining about bicycling and how her leadership, delivered directly to our boss personally. Delivers what we do not like and how it affects your performance and other team members. But the condition persists because usually no one wants to call it. It takes courage to say it. Striking a little ego with professionally done nothing wrong. But we must also be prepared if her attitude was more bad or we could be removed from the workplace.

6. Quit
     If all that we have done to no avail and we can not accept the way of leadership, then we should think of other jobs.

Have you apply one of the above? Please let me know on the result.

Management and Administration Issues - A Shared Experience

Just wanted to share with you all, for me, this little experience who have served more than 20 years in organizational management issues and spiritual development involving government and private organizations. Often the problems shared with me is a problem between the top management, administration, management and support staff is as follows:

Management systems are often changed
Management system should be mastered by every employee to obtain an efficient and productive management. If management system for the organization often change, employees will experience job stress due to not understanding the concept and jurisdictions work accurately and clearly. Certainly the work will be done in a state of panic and do not know to whom to refer.

This often occurs because of failure or we fail to plan and implement a change that without thinking just because according to the instructions of their superiors. All moral rejected aside, for the sake of flutter or "yes boss" or "betulah boss". Does not apply to corporate governance.

Communication 'break down'
This is among the highest ranking problems that often occur in the organization. There are several reasons this problem occurs. Among the top too 'bossy' with their staff. They ignore the problems that occur at lower levels, not 'briefing assignments' well, and many give directions. The largest percentage is the boss just give orders to subordinates. Imagine how ineffective communication management in the organization? You certainly can imagine.

Try it out of the comfortable rooms and down to the operational level to investigate complaints and expressions of the staff. Sometimes the complaints it is a proposal that may be applicable. Only those who are involved in a field that knows the real issue.

Working position and qualifications significantly different
Among the complaints most often asked of me many staff who can not master their field of work very well. Imagine the potential in the field of IT but placed in financial management. How do you want to carry out your work? I'm not saying it is impossible to do. Only if there is no clear explanation of the scope of work will inevitably put pressure on the staff.

As another example, kakaitangan capacity was only able to carry out the work as a clerk but is responsible for implementing the work of an executive. For individuals who do not understand about the post Responsibility accepted as a sign of pretentious but its output remains the same as that given by a clerk. When kakitangfan failed to execute his duties as an executive, so easy menyalahkannya.Kita we actually have menganayaikan individual.

Less exposure and courses
Work is a way of claiming your output. But if many years of output required of an employee while he received less input, how the situation works? You will definitely stressful, less skilled and also lost the motivation to do the job every day. Many have complained to me. There are organizations that can not arrange training for their staff very well that some people work 10 years have not been attending training and job skills development, self-motivation.

Management on a "little Napoleon"
In other concept is the "little Napoleon" is "power hungry", where some indivisu hold its own by-laws in carrying out its duties and suppress the other employees or subordinates. Situation "shock myself" this must be subverted and specify only official orders only enforceable.

Or if you want to issue directives or reprimands make a "formal" writing that the decision or direction can be referred by the official to the higher or responsible.

Management by intimidation or fear (management by fear)
Staff frightened by threats or warnings oppressive and untrustworthy. It will also lead to dissatisfaction and consequently affect the productivity of the company.

Hubungan sosial dan interpersonal

Manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang bermakna ia akan sentiasa memerlukan kehadiran manusia lain dapat berinteraksi untuk memenuhi keperluan sosial mereka. Keperluan sosial ini berlaku dalam semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk apabila ia berada dalam skop kerja. Setiap orang mahu bekerjasama dengan orang lain, seperti yang kita tahu bahawa manusia tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan semua kerja-kerja yang ada tanpa kehadiran dan bantuan orang lain.

Dalam dunia kerja, masing-masing akan membuat hubungan atau hubungan, kedua-dua lisan dan bukan lisan dengan manusia yang lain. Dalam syarikat atau organisasi, sebagai seorang lelaki, anda akan cuba untuk menyelinap ke dalam tingkah laku - tingkah laku organisasi yang wujud dalam syarikat di mana anda bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sekeras mungkin untuk menyesuaikan tingkah laku - tingkah laku dan budaya yang wujud di syarikat di mana anda bekerja. Tingkah laku dan budaya organisasi adalah apa yang kita sering panggil dan dinamik kumpulan.

Pada hari ini dan umur, kebanyakan orang tidak lagi mahu memberi perhatian atau enggan untuk memahami dinamik kumpulan yang berlaku di tempat kerja mereka. Sistem sosial cenderung untuk menjadi lebih individualistik perbuatan mereka dalam membuat hubungan dengan rakan sekerja. Elton Mayo, telah menjalankan penyelidikan dalam 1920 - 1930 di Hawthorne dan mendapatkan hasil yang pada suatu syarikat, pekerja cenderung untuk membentuk kumpulan tidak rasmi yang boleh memberikan kepuasan kerja dan keberkesanan. Berdasarkan kajian ini, ia benar-benar dapat difahami bahawa dinamik kumpulan yang berlaku dalam sesebuah organisasi boleh memberi pengaruh yang besar bagi pekerjanya. Anda hanya cuba bayangkan apa yang boleh dibentuk kerja berpasukan yang kukuh di kalangan ahli-ahli mereka jika mereka tidak menjaga hubungan baik dalam bekerja bersama-sama?

Perlu memahami bahawa dalam dinamik kumpulan, setiap pekerja akan bekerja keras untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan tingkah laku yang sedia ada yang pelbagai, kedua-dua di kalangan rakan sekerja dan organisasi itu sendiri. Anda boleh melakukan permulaan ini adapatsi perkara - perkara-perkara kecil, seperti sentiasa tersenyum dengan rakan sekerja, menunjukkan sikap yang mesra, cuba untuk berinteraksi sebanyak mungkin dengan rakan sepasukan anda. Dengan cara itu akan ada persefahaman dan memahami - setiap peribadi daripada rakan sepasukan anda dan ia akan menjadikan ia lebih mudah bagi anda untuk dapat membentuk kerja berpasukan yang kukuh.

Social and Interpersonal Relationships

Humans are social creatures which means it will always require the presence of another human being to be able to interact in order to meet social needs. Social needs of this happens in all aspects of life, including when it is within the scope of work. Every man wants to work with others, as we know that humans would be unable to complete all the jobs that exist without the presence and help of others.

In the working world, every human being will make contact or relationship, both verbal and non-verbal with other human beings. In a company or organization, as a human being, you will try to merge into the behavior - the behavior of the organization that is in the company where you work. You will seek wherever possible to perform adaptation of behavior - behavior and the prevailing culture in the company where you work. Behavior and organizational culture is what we often call with group dynamics.

In this day and age, most people are no longer willing to pay attention or refuses to understand group dynamics prevailing in which they work. Individualist social systems tend to be more influential for them to do the same working relationship with co-workers. Elton Mayo, had conducted research in 1920 - 1930 in Hawthorne and get the result that in a company, the employees tend to form informal groups that can provide job satisfaction and effectiveness. Based on this research, in fact can be understood that the group dynamics prevailing in an organization can provide a huge influence for its employees. Just try to imagine what it might be able to form a solid teamwork among fellow members if not mutually maintain good relations in working together?

It needs to be understood that in group dynamics, each employee will strive to adapt to a variety of behaviors that exist, both among fellow employees and the organization itself. You can do this adapatsi start of things - little things, like always smiling with fellow employees, showed a friendly attitude, try to interact as much as possible with your coworkers. That way there will be mutual understanding and understand each - each person of your colleagues and of course it will make it easy for you to be able to form a solid teamwork.

Resign or Stop-Work

The word "resign" or "stop work" seems to be a word that should be shunned by many employees anywhere in the world. Because the meaning of the word is stored as negative or relating to the future bleak. Thus, many people choose to work hard with a plea for the future and not to live hard.

In fact, today people have a lot more opportunity to decide for themselves want to be anything. For it is more and more people realize, he worked for something that he did not actually like. So, for what he actually worked furiously?

In America, people vying concerned with his career than his personality-centered life. They think, with more hard work, more money he or she would make. So that he or she can buy anything he or she likes. Without a break, without a family a lot of time together, and without have time for a vacation. Is that what you want? So, why should you choose to stop working?

This idea might just make you remain skeptical, but there are several reasons that you might consider for your next life.

1. You are not as important as you think. When you stop all work at the office, you can see that your work can be done by others. So you will realize that your work has been carried out is also not so important for you to maintain.

This may be very anxious at the beginning. But actually, once you decide to stop working, the more doors you can enter, especially for the happiness of you and family. If you are not a person who has a very important position in the workplace, it will be easier for companies to find a replacement for you. Instead, you can channel your positive energy to things that are as long as you expect it to do but have not been able to do, and most importantly, can be more closer to you with your loved ones.

2. Stop watching your work more focus on improving the quality of self. It also can make you more focused to produce what is in demand, so it would be better for the impact of your life. With the more time you have, will make it easier to be motivated to create something that could make your self-esteem and achieve future uphill.

Quality is more difficult to measure than quantity. That is why many people prefer attempted pains to show the quality rather than the quantity of self. By the stimulation, with stops working, you can convince yourself that you are already showing the best quality in the workplace. And by choosing to stop working, there is no more important thing that you need to give to the company. Furthermore, you can realize what many have aspired out about the office.

3. You really need a break. When you start thinking to stop working, it means you already are within the maximum fatigue. That is all, you need a break! When will you have to rest? By hearing what was said by the body and heart. So it's time to give more meaning to you. However, you can only stop if it already feels finished doing what you should be doing.

Many people today find it difficult just to rest. Moreover, with so many important emails to be sent and returned, SMS which must always be missed, the tasks that must be completed on time. By stopping all that work, you may actually be more productive to do much else, with more rest time anyway. Plus, if you know will be able to work up can have a maximum rest time also; you would be more concerned to have the time off that much, right?