About Me

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Received my early education at the Rifle Range Road (2) Primary School, Kuala Lumpur. Attended junior high school at Raja Abdullah Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur and high school at Technical Institute, Kuala Lumpur. Further study at Mara Institute of Technology (ITM), Shah Alam, Selangor and obtained Certificate in Town and Regional Planning and Diploma in Quantity Surveying. Continued study in Mara University of Technology (UiTM) and obtained Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours). I am a skilled commercial manager with extensive background in-and thorough knowledge of- development, construction, maintenance and construction contracts. Also having knowledge and experience in project, facilities and property management. Experienced in developing and implementing competitive cost planning, project budgeting, cost controlling and development appraisal. Exceptional organizational, analytic and managerial skills. Career as Commercial Expert till now.

Monday 10 July 2023

Uncertainty can have an impact on the tender price in several ways

1. Risk Assessment: Uncertainty introduces risks, such as potential cost overruns, project delays, or unforeseen challenges. Tenderers need to assess these risks and incorporate them into their pricing. Higher levels of uncertainty may require the tenderer to allocate additional funds to mitigate potential risks, which can influence the overall tender price.

2. Contingency Planning: Uncertainty often calls for contingency planning. Tenderers may include a contingency amount in their pricing to account for unexpected events or changes in project requirements. The level of uncertainty will affect the size of the contingency, potentially leading to an adjustment in the tender price to accommodate the additional buffer.

3. Resource Allocation: Uncertainty can impact the allocation of resources required for the project. Tenderers may need to allocate additional resources, such as personnel, equipment, or materials, to account for unforeseen circumstances. The associated costs of acquiring or mobilizing these resources can influence the tender price.

4. Pricing Strategy: Uncertainty may influence a tenderer's pricing strategy. If the level of uncertainty is high, tenderers may opt for a more conservative approach by increasing their price to safeguard against potential risks. On the other hand, if they are confident in their ability to manage uncertainty effectively, they may adopt a more competitive pricing strategy to secure the contract.

Overall, uncertainty can lead to adjustments in the tender price to accommodate potential risks, contingency planning, resource allocation, and the tenderer's pricing strategy. It's crucial for tenderers to carefully evaluate and consider the level of uncertainty when determining their pricing.

When producing a tender with the presence of uncertainty, both the owner (the party requesting the project or service) and the contractor (the party bidding for the project) may experience certain impacts. Here's an analysis of the situation:

1. Owner's Perspective:

Cost Variation: Uncertainty can lead to variations in the project's cost. If the tender price includes a contingency to address uncertainties, the owner may have to pay a higher price upfront to account for potential risks. However, this can provide some assurance that unexpected costs will be covered.

Project Delays: Uncertainty may cause delays as the contractor needs to manage and mitigate risks associated with uncertain factors. This can affect the owner's timeline and may lead to longer project durations.

Quality Assurance: The owner may require the contractor to demonstrate how they will manage uncertainty and maintain quality standards during the project. This ensures that despite the uncertainties, the end result meets the desired quality and specifications.

2. Contractor's Perspective:

Pricing and Profitability: Uncertainty can impact the contractor's pricing strategy and profit margins. Higher levels of uncertainty may require the contractor to increase their price to accommodate potential risks and ensure profitability. However, if the competition is fierce, the contractor may need to carefully balance pricing to remain competitive.

Risk Management: Uncertainty necessitates robust risk management by the contractor. They need to identify potential risks, develop mitigation plans, and allocate resources accordingly. This can involve additional costs and efforts to address uncertainties effectively.

Contractual Clarity: The contractor may seek clearer contractual terms and provisions to manage uncertainties. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, change order procedures, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Clarity in the contract helps mitigate potential conflicts arising from uncertainty.

Overall, uncertainty can impact the tender process for both owners and contractors. It requires careful evaluation, risk management, and considerations of the potential impacts on costs, timelines, and project quality. Clear communication and collaboration between the parties are essential to navigate uncertainty effectively and ensure a successful project outcome.


Wednesday 5 July 2023

Fit for Tender or Tender to Fit?

"Fit for Tender" and "Tender to Fit" are two different approaches when it comes to procurement or bidding processes.

"Fit for Tender" means that a company or organization ensures it meets all the requirements and qualifications specified in a tender before submitting its bid. It involves assessing whether the company's capabilities, resources, and experience align with the tender's criteria. By confirming their suitability, they can confidently participate in the tender process.

On the other hand, "Tender to Fit" refers to a strategy where a company tailors its bid or proposal to meet the specific requirements of a tender. In this approach, the company may not initially meet all the qualifications, but it adapts its offering or presents a plan to fulfill them during the bidding process.

Both approaches have their merits and may be applicable in different situations. "Fit for Tender" emphasizes preparedness and suitability, while "Tender to Fit" focuses on customization and flexibility. Ultimately, the choice between these approaches depends on the company's resources, capabilities, and the specific requirements of the tender.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Sustainability in Contracts Administration for Quantity Surveying, Contracts Specialists, and Contracts Administrators in the Public Procurement Agency

Introduction: The increasing focus on sustainability in the construction industry has prompted the exploration of innovative solutions to enhance sustainability practices in contracts administration. One such solution is the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. This article delves into the role of AI as a tool for sustainability in contracts administration within the Public Procurement Agency. Specifically, it examines the domains of Quantity Surveying, Contracts Specialists, and Contracts Administrators, highlighting how AI can foster sustainable practices throughout the contracts administration process.

AI Applications for Sustainability in Contracts Administration: AI offers numerous applications that can enhance sustainability in contracts administration. Firstly, AI can facilitate sustainable procurement practices by analyzing supplier data, identifying eco-friendly materials, and assessing suppliers' environmental track records. Secondly, AI-powered algorithms can evaluate the environmental impact of construction projects and assess their compliance with green building standards. Thirdly, AI can optimize resource allocation and usage, leading to reduced waste generation and energy consumption. Finally, AI can assist in conducting carbon footprint analysis, enabling accurate measurement and reduction of carbon emissions.

Benefits of AI for Sustainability: The integration of AI in contracts administration brings forth several benefits for promoting sustainability. AI's ability to process vast amounts of data allows for more precise analysis and decision-making, thereby enhancing sustainability performance. Through predictive modeling, AI can anticipate potential risks and identify opportunities for sustainable improvements in contracts administration processes. Additionally, AI facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders, fostering a culture of sustainability within the Public Procurement Agency.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations: While AI presents immense potential for sustainability, certain challenges and ethical considerations must be addressed. Ensuring data privacy and security is crucial when utilizing AI technologies. Moreover, attention must be given to algorithmic biases that could perpetuate inequalities or hinder sustainable decision-making. Transparency in AI algorithms and decision-making processes is vital to gain stakeholders' trust and ensure accountability. Lastly, the potential impact of AI on employment should be carefully managed, ensuring a just transition for workers.

Case Studies: This section presents real-world case studies that illustrate the successful implementation of AI for sustainability in contracts administration within the Public Procurement Agency. These case studies showcase specific AI applications, such as sustainable procurement optimization, energy-efficient resource allocation, and carbon footprint reduction strategies. They provide practical insights into the positive impact of AI in enhancing sustainability practices.

Conclusion: Artificial Intelligence holds significant promise as a tool for sustainability in contracts administration for Quantity Surveying, Contracts Specialists, and Contracts Administrators in the Public Procurement Agency. By leveraging AI's capabilities, sustainable procurement, green building evaluation, resource optimization, and carbon footprint analysis can be greatly improved. However, challenges related to data privacy, biases, transparency, and employment implications must be carefully addressed. By embracing responsible AI practices, the Public Procurement Agency can lead the way in fostering sustainable contracts administration and driving positive environmental outcomes.

References: [List of relevant academic papers, research studies, and industry reports supporting the article] 

Monday 12 June 2023

Urgent and important: Critical Analysis

Urgent and important are two concepts commonly used to prioritize tasks and decisions in various areas of life, including personal and professional settings. The urgent and important matrix, popularized by Stephen Covey in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," provides a framework for categorizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. Analyzing and understanding the distinction between urgent and important can help individuals and organizations allocate their time and resources more effectively.

1.            Urgent tasks: Urgency refers to the immediate demand or time sensitivity of a task. Urgent tasks require immediate attention and action because they have impending deadlines or immediate consequences if not addressed promptly. These tasks often arise unexpectedly and can be driven by external factors or emergencies.

Examples of urgent tasks include responding to urgent emails, attending to an unforeseen customer complaint, or meeting a critical deadline for a project.

2.            Important tasks: Importance refers to the significance and long-term impact of a task. Important tasks are those that contribute directly to achieving goals, fulfill long-term objectives, and align with core values and priorities. These tasks may not have immediate deadlines, but their completion is crucial for personal or organizational success.

Examples of important tasks include strategic planning, skill development, relationship building, and long-term goal setting.

Now, let's explore the four quadrants of the urgent and important matrix:

1.            Quadrant 1: Urgent and Important tasks: This quadrant consists of tasks that require immediate attention and also have significant long-term consequences. These tasks are both urgent and important, demanding immediate action. Failing to address tasks in this quadrant can lead to negative outcomes or missed opportunities.

Examples include addressing a critical customer complaint, resolving a system failure, or dealing with a personal or professional crisis.

2.            Quadrant 2: Important but not Urgent tasks: This quadrant represents tasks that are important for long-term success but do not have immediate deadlines or urgent consequences. Quadrant 2 tasks often involve proactive and preventive activities that contribute to personal growth, relationship building, and strategic planning.

Examples include setting goals, investing time in personal development, building relationships, and long-term project planning.

3.            Quadrant 3: Urgent but not Important tasks: Tasks in this quadrant are urgent and demand immediate attention, but they have limited or no long-term significance. They often arise from distractions, interruptions, or the urgent needs of others. These tasks tend to divert attention from important activities.

Examples include responding to non-essential emails, attending unnecessary meetings, or addressing other people's urgent but low-priority requests.

4.            Quadrant 4: Not Urgent and Not Important tasks: This quadrant includes tasks that have neither urgency nor importance. These tasks are time-wasters and do not contribute to personal or organizational goals. Engaging in Quadrant 4 activities can result in procrastination and decreased productivity.

Examples include mindless web browsing, excessive social media use, or engaging in irrelevant conversations.

Analyzing the urgent and important matrix helps individuals and organizations prioritize their tasks effectively. Ideally, emphasis should be placed on Quadrant 2 activities, as they contribute to long-term success and prevent tasks from becoming urgent crises (Quadrant 1). By minimizing Quadrant 3 and avoiding Quadrant 4 activities, individuals can optimize their time and achieve a better work-life balance.

It's important to regularly review and reassess the urgency and importance of tasks, as priorities may shift over time. By consciously evaluating and prioritizing tasks, individuals can make informed decisions and allocate their resources more effectively.

Saturday 3 June 2023

Diluluskan Dengan Amaran

Frasa “diluluskan dengan amaran” atau "diluluskan dengan berhati-hati" atau "diluluskan dengan catatan berjaga-jaga" biasanya menunjukkan bahawa keputusan atau kelulusan telah diberikan, tetapi dengan beberapa keraguan atau kebimbangan. Ia menggambarkan bahawa walaupun kelulusan telah diberikan, terdapat risiko atau ketidakpastian yang berkaitan dengan keputusan tersebut. Pendekatan berhati-hati ini menyiratkan perlunya pemantauan yang teliti, langkah keselamatan tambahan, atau penilaian lanjut untuk mengurangkan sebarang kemungkinan hasil negatif.

Frasa ini sering digunakan dalam konteks di mana terdapat ketidakpastian yang signifikan, risiko, atau kesan buruk yang berpotensi berkaitan dengan keputusan tersebut. Ia merupakan pengingat bahawa walaupun kelulusan telah diberikan, penting untuk melaksanakan kewaspadaan dan mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga yang diperlukan untuk mengurangkan atau menguruskan risiko yang mungkin timbul. Frasa ini menyampaikan rasa kebijaksanaan dan seruan untuk mempertimbangkan dengan teliti akibat yang mungkin timbul.


Faraid and Takaful Hibah are both Islamic inheritance laws, but they have some key differences.

Faraid is a religious law that dictates how a deceased person's assets should be divided among their heirs. The specific rules of Faraid vary depending on the madhhab (school of thought) of Islam that is being followed. In general, Faraid gives priority to certain categories of heirs, such as spouses, children, and parents.

Takaful Hibah is a type of Islamic life insurance that allows a person to make a gift of their Takaful benefits to a designated beneficiary. The benefits are paid out to the beneficiary tax-free, and they are not subject to the rules of Faraid.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between Faraid and Takaful Hibah:



Takaful Hibah

Legal basis

Religious law

Contract law

Governing rules



Priority of heirs

Spouses, children, parents

Not applicable


Not very flexible

Very flexible

 Advantages of Takaful Hibah

              Takaful Hibah is a more flexible way to pass on assets to loved ones.

              Takaful Hibah benefits are not subject to inheritance tax.

              Takaful Hibah can be used to avoid the rules of Faraid.

Disadvantages of Takaful Hibah

              Takaful Hibah is not a religious requirement.

              Takaful Hibah benefits may not be as large as those under Faraid.

              Takaful Hibah may not be available in all countries.

Ultimately, the best way to pass on assets to loved ones is to consult with an Islamic financial advisor. They can help you to understand your options and to choose the solution that is right for you.

Perbezaan Faraid dan Takaful Hibah

Faraid dan Takaful Hibah adalah dua konsep yang berkaitan dengan pewarisan dan amalan insurans Islam. Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai perbezaan antara keduanya:

Faraid: Faraid adalah undang-undang waris Islam yang menentukan pengagihan harta seseorang yang telah meninggal dunia kepada waris-waris mereka mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan dalam al-Quran. Faraid memberikan rangka kerja yang terstruktur untuk memastikan pengagihan kekayaan yang adil kepada waris yang berhak. Ia menentukan bahagian warisan untuk saudara-mara tertentu seperti pasangan, anak-anak, ibu bapa, dan ahli keluarga terdekat lain. Pengagihan ini berdasarkan peratusan yang telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu dan berbeza bergantung kepada hubungan dan jumlah waris.

Takaful Hibah: Takaful Hibah adalah konsep yang berkaitan dengan insurans Islam, khususnya dalam konteks polisi Takaful. Takaful adalah sistem insurans Islam yang berdasarkan prinsip kerjasama mutual dan tanggungjawab bersama. Takaful Hibah merujuk kepada hadiah sukarela (hibah) yang diberikan oleh pengendali Takaful kepada peserta (pemegang polisi) dalam kes berlakunya lebihan dalam dana Takaful atau apabila polisi matang. Pengendali Takaful, sebagai tanda baik hati, boleh mengagihkan sebahagian daripada lebihan atau keuntungan (selepas memenuhi perbelanjaan dan tuntutan) kepada peserta dalam bentuk Hibah.

Perbezaan antara Faraid dan Takaful Hibah:

Sifat: Faraid adalah rangka undang-undang yang mengatur pengagihan harta pusaka mengikut prinsip Islam. Takaful Hibah pula adalah hadiah sukarela yang diberikan oleh pengendali Takaful kepada pemegang polisi dalam rangkaian insurans Takaful.

Tujuan: Faraid memastikan pengagihan yang adil terhadap harta pusaka seseorang yang telah meninggal dunia dengan mengekalkan prinsip-prinsip pewarisan Islam. Takaful Hibah pula adalah cara pengendali Takaful berkongsi lebihan atau keuntungan dengan pemegang polisi sebagai tanda baik hati.

Konteks: Faraid terpakai secara khusus kepada perkara pewarisan, manakala Takaful Hibah berkaitan dengan polisi insurans Takaful. Keduanya beroperasi dalam bidang yang berbeza tetapi keduanya mempunyai prinsip-prinsip Islam sebagai asasnya.

Penting untuk diingat bahawa tafsiran dan pelaksanaan konsep-konsep ini mungkin berbeza di kawasan yang berbeza dan di kalangan sarjana atau pengendali Takaful yang berbeza. Berkonsultasi dengan pakar undang-undang Islam atau sarjana yang mahir dalam kewangan Islam akan memberikan wawasan yang lebih spesifik dan terperinci yang disesuaikan dengan keadaan atau bidang kuasa anda.

Dalam konteks Faraid, peraturan-peraturan untuk pengagihan harta pusaka diperoleh daripada al-Quran. Al-Quran memberikan petunjuk mengenai pembahagian harta di antara waris yang berhak. Beberapa ayat yang berkaitan dengan pewarisan dalam al-Quran adalah:

Surah An-Nisa (4:11): "Allah memberikan petunjuk kepadamu tentang (pembagian harta) anak-anakmu: bahawa bahagian seorang lelaki sama dengan bahagian dua orang perempuan."

Surah An-Nisa (4:12): "Dan bagi kamu (suami) setengah dari apa yang ditinggalkan oleh isteri kamu, jika mereka tidak mempunyai anak. Jika mereka mempunyai anak, maka bagi kamu adalah seperempat dari apa yang mereka tinggalkan, selepas melaksanakan wasiat yang mereka buat atau membayar hutang. Dan bagi mereka (isteri) adalah seperempat dari apa yang kamu tinggalkan, jika kamu tidak mempunyai anak. Jika kamu mempunyai anak, maka bagi mereka adalah satu pertiga dari apa yang kamu tinggalkan, selepas melaksanakan wasiat yang kamu buat atau membayar hutang."

Ayat-ayat ini, bersama dengan ayat-ayat lain yang berkaitan, menjadi asas dalam menentukan bahagian pewarisan bagi anggota keluarga yang berbeza mengikut hukum Islam.

Bagi Takaful Hibah, konsep pemberian sukarela (hibah) dalam perjanjian insurans Takaful tidak secara khusus disebutkan dalam al-Quran. Ia adalah aplikasi dalam rangka operasi Takaful yang dibangunkan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Islam mengenai kerjasama mutual dan keadilan.

Perlu diingat bahawa pelaksanaan dan tafsiran konsep-konsep ini, termasuk Faraid dan Takaful, telah dibangunkan selama berabad-abad oleh ahli hukum dan sarjana Islam dengan menggunakan pelbagai sumber, termasuk al-Quran, Hadis (ucapan dan tindakan Nabi Muhammad), dan ijma' (kesepakatan ulama).