About Me

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Received my early education at the Rifle Range Road (2) Primary School, Kuala Lumpur. Attended junior high school at Raja Abdullah Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur and high school at Technical Institute, Kuala Lumpur. Further study at Mara Institute of Technology (ITM), Shah Alam, Selangor and obtained Certificate in Town and Regional Planning and Diploma in Quantity Surveying. Continued study in Mara University of Technology (UiTM) and obtained Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours). I am a skilled commercial manager with extensive background in-and thorough knowledge of- development, construction, maintenance and construction contracts. Also having knowledge and experience in project, facilities and property management. Experienced in developing and implementing competitive cost planning, project budgeting, cost controlling and development appraisal. Exceptional organizational, analytic and managerial skills. Career as Commercial Expert till now.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Kisah Dua Adik Beradik Penipu....

Pada satu masa dahulu yang tidak diketahui bila adalah tinggal satu keluarga yang terdiri daripada tiga orang, bapa dan dua anak lelakinya yang selalu saja rileks kerjanya. Adapun masalah sebenar mereka adalah mereka ini suka sangat bercakap bohong, malah boleh kata macam hobi pula. Sehari kalau tidak menipu memang terasa tak lengkap hidup.

Memang tidak lalu makanlah.

Maka pada satuhari, ditakdirkan bapa mereka terbabit meninggal dunia. Mati tanpa sebab, tetiba saja. Maka beritahulah si Abang kepada adikknya.

"Don pergilah bagi tau kat Imam dan orang-orang kampong berita sedih ini, untung-untung ada orang boleh tolong uruskan jenazah ini... Yeop tak boleh pergi sebab kaki Yeop sakit... "

Si Adik yang memang tahu Abang dia menipu hanya mengangguk. Dia berlalu pergi. Setelah berita itu di sampaikan kepada orang kampong maka tiada seorang pun yang percaya akan berita yang disampaikan itu. Mana tidaknya itu bukan kali pertama berita semacam itu didengar. Maka pulanglah si Adik dengan wajah yang hiba. Berita itu disampaikan kepada si Abang.

Si Abang dengan wajah yang kesal akhirnya bersuara.

"Yeop ingat sudah sampai masanya kita berubah... tak boleh menipu lagilah. Pagi esok Don ikut Yeop, kita pergi kelubuk kat hujung kampong sana, Yeop semalam bermimpi dan diberitahu bahawa sesapa yang nak buang sikap buruk, dia kenalah buktikan dengan terjun dan campakkan sifat buruk dia jauh kedalam lubuk. Camna?"

Si Adik hanya mengangguk sahaja kerana tiadalah ia mampu menandingi “skill” menipu Abangnya yang memang luarbiasa itu.

Pagi keesokan harinya, setelah jenazah diuruskan, mereka bergerak ke lubuk misteri seperti yang dirancang. Setelah sampai berkata si Abang dalam hatinya.

"Ini kalau aku terjun dulu ni mahu lemas dan hilang macam tu saja, ish bahaya ni... " Lalu dia bersuara,"Don (nama adik dia ler)... kau terjun dulu biar Yeop berkawal, kat sini memang keras, orang berpengalaman macam Yeop jer yang boleh mengawal keadaan dan keselamatan dengan baik".

Si Adik tanpa membuang masa terus saja terjun ke dalam lubuk sambil si Abang menunggu. Seminit... Dua minit... tiga minit... Si Abang mengeluh. "Dah mati kebudak ni?. Lama betul... "
Pada masa yang sama sebenarnya si Adik sedang bertarung dengan nyawanya di bawah permukaan air. Sebaik sahaja terjun kakinya telah tersangkut di akar pokok dan dia tidak dapat menimbulkan dirinya kembali. Sudah tentulah setelah berlaku tarik menarik akhirnya dia Berjaya lalu timbul di permukaan air.

"Apa yang kau buat lama sangat kat bawah tu?" tanyasi Abang kehairanan.
"Huh, mau nya tak lama Yoep, kat bawah tu macam-macam ada, pelbagai jenis makanan dan minuman disediakan. Semuanya “free” belaka. Ada nasi goreng, roti canai, “Kenny Rogers” dan macam-macam lagi. Kalau tak teringatkan Yeop sorang-sorang kat sini Don ingat dah tak nak naik lagi dah.."jelas Adiknya dengan penuh penghayatan.

Cerita si Adik tadi telah menyebabkan asid hidroklorikdi dalam perutsi Abang tadi mengeleggak. "Dari semalam tak makan, ini kira best giler dah ni, baik aku terjun.."nekad si Abang. Dush... si Abang tadi terjun ke dalam lubuk kepala dulu dengan kecepatan yang tak boleh dijelaskan. Kepalanya terhantuk dengan batu dan berdarah teruk. Tak sampai seminit dia timbul kembali.

Si Adik bertanya,"Yoep, apa yang telah berlaku?"
Si Abang dengan selamba menjawab"Tu la Don, lain kali kalau nak makan bayar laa..tak pasal-pasal Yeop kena belasah sebab Don makan dan minum pas tu tak bayar... "
Apakah moral cerita di atas?

Thursday, 27 June 2013


The lump sum contract associated with construction particularly in the one of the Project in Indonesia has created untold misery to contract administrators and quantity surveyors working in project management, supervision, contractor and employer. The problem is caused by a misunderstanding of the concept of lump sum contracts and the application of the principles associated with such forms of procurement. Initially the project were Lump Sum tendered based on Bill of Quantities and upon finalization of contract both the Employer and Contractor have agreed to convert the contract to a lump sum contract based on drawings and specification with modified method of measurement for interim payment process.

In principle, a lump sum contract is an agreement pursuant to which one party consents to pay another party a set amount of money for completing the work or providing the goods described in the agreement. Typically, lump sum contracts do not require contractors to provide a detailed breakdown of costs. Rather, the payment of the total contract price is linked to the contractor completing all of the work specified in the contract. For example, a software installation company may enter into a lump sum contract for installing multiple data processing systems in a building. Instead of receiving an individual fee for each system installed, the company will receive one fixed amount after it finishes installing all of the systems.

Lump sum contracts are regularly used for a variety of transactions, including construction work, consulting projects, and architectural assignments. A lump sum contract is easy to manage since payment is made only once. Generally, the lump sum contractor is paid a flat amount of amount of money after the party receiving the services or goods is given the output. For instance, under a lump sum arrangement, an architect firm is usually paid its total fee once it has supplied all the deliverable acceptable to the Employer.

The construction industry often engages in lump sum contracting. In most cases, the building owner signs a lump sum agreement with a general contractor. The general contractor then enters into separate agreements with subcontractors.

The explanation so far seems simple. Then what seems to be the problem?

The problem arises out of two major factors:

  •  The written contract;
  •  Understanding and interpretation of the written contract.
A lump sum contract is usually a written agreement, although an oral agreement may be binding in some cases. Once the contract has been signed, all parties are bound to adhere to its terms. 

A lump sum contract ordinarily details the fixed total amount to be paid to the contractor and the timeline for payment. If the contract is for services, a comprehensive description of the scope of the services to be performed by the contractor should be documented. Contracts for goods should thoroughly detail the goods to be provided, including the components, features, and characteristics that must be a part of the final deliverable.

However, all this is dictated by the terms contained in the various documents being made part of the contract. Construction contracts using standard forms like the JCT, NEC, FIDIC etc., detail a hierarchy of documents that would be referred to in the settlement of disagreements or disputes. Such documents may include the specifications and a bill of quantities amongst other things. If the bill of quantity is listed as a contract document, it is possible for the Employer to require the contractor to execute everything it has priced for in the bill.

It must be noted that a bill of quantity can contain one or more of the following items in addition to the lump sum items:

1.         Provisional Sums
2.         Items using Prime Cost Sums
3.         Provisionally described items
4.         Provisionally measured items
5.         Nominated Sub-Contractor items
6.         Nominated Supplier items
7.         Contingencies

Despite described as a lump sum contract all the above items are subject to adjustments and additions to and deletions from the bill of quantities is possible if the contract provides for variations, but no re-measurement of quantities stated in the bill of quantities will be allowed.

As a rule, construction contractors are not entitled to receive more money than the contract specifies. Items required to complete the works must generally be provided even if they have been omitted from the bill of quantities – (Williams v Fitzmaurice (1858) 3 H&N 844). Michael O’Reilly points out that if there is no mechanism in the contract for receiving payment for these extra items, the contractor will have to pay for them. This means that the contractor will have to provide what is indispensably required to fulfil its obligations under the contract.

If it is presumed that quantities do not form a term in lump sum contracts unless the contract states otherwise, the contractor will not be paid any additional payment if the quantities required to be executed are greater than stated in the bill of quantity, (Portman and Fotheringham v Pildritch (1904),Priestly v Stone (1888), Re Ford and Bemrose (1902) CA, Sharpe v San Paulo Railway Co (1873) LR 8 Ch App 597). It could therefore implied that the reverse is also true – being that if the quantities stated in such a bill of quantity are greater than what is required to be executed (as long as the item description is not changed) the contractor will be entitled to receive the full payment against that item.

Can the Employer or Engineer therefore, change the description of an item in the bill of quantities where the quantity has been over measured and attempt to re-measure and obtain the lesser quantity? Unless the contract provides to do so, definitely not! Any attempts to do so would mean introducing an element of re-measuring where the contract does not provide and this would be in breach.

In the same context, what about an item contained in the bill of quantities which is not required to be executed? Contractors always argue that being a lump sum contract they are entitled to be paid for every item in the bill of quantities regardless of requirement in the same manner that the Employer is entitled to insist upon the contractor to provide items required but missed out in the bill of quantities and that each balances with the other. In order to prove this point the contractor will need to establish that the price it has put in for such an item is in actual fact to compensate for some item missed out in the bill of quantity. The burden of such proof will rest with the contractor.

In a lump sum contract, the specifications and drawings are used to describe and identify the scope of works. BQ (or Schedule of Rates) does not use for this purpose and it is used to value variations and often times used for interim payment valuations.

My point is in a lump sum contracts, BQ does not use to describe or identify the scope of Works. The BQ is a tool we use in a lump sum contracts to calculate the Tender / Contract Price. The scope of Works is defined in the Specifications and Drawings. The Contractor’s obligation is to complete the Works in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings. The BQ may contain items which are not required to accomplish the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract.

However, the Contractor should execute any works defined in the Specifications (in most cases Specification takes precedence over the Drawings) even though such works are excluded from the BQ (and/or not shown on the Drawings).

It can be considered that, after the award, the BQ is used only for the purposes of valuation variations and interim payments, unless BQ contains provisional items which are subjected to re-measure. Further, in lump sum (without quantities) contracts, BQ is replaced by Schedule of Rates.

In conclusion, I am in the opinion that, in a lump sum contract, you can’t simply negate payment for any item in the BQ which are not defined in the Specifications and/or shown Drawings, as the BQ does not identify or describe the Scope of Works.

Under the doctrine of restitution no one is entitled to receive any payment for what he is not entitled for under a contract and the converse is also true that the employer cannot escape from paying a contractor his rightful dues under a contract.

Credit to Dr Haris Deen for the above-mentioned article.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Sekadar ingin berkongsi dengan anda semua, atas pengalaman saya yang sedikit ini yang telah berkhidmat lebih 20 tahun di dalam isu-isu pengurusan organisasi dan pembangunan spiritual yang melibatkan organisasi kerajaan dan swasta. Selalunya masalah-masalah yang dikongsikan kepada saya adalah masalah antara golongan pengurusan tertinggi, pihak pentadbiran, pengurusan dan juga kakitangan sokongan adalah seperti berikut:

Sistem pengurusan yang sering berubah
Sistem pengurusan perlu dikuasai oleh setiap pekerja bagi mendapatkan pengurusan yang efisien dan produktif. Andai sistem pengurusan bagi organisasi tersebut sering mengalami perubahan, kakitangan akan mengalami tekanan kerja kerana tidak memahami konsep dan bidang kuasa kerja dengan tepat dan jelas. Sudah pasti kerja akan dilakukan dalam keadaan bercelaru dan tidak tahu kepada siapa untuk dirujuk.

Ini gagal atau sering berlaku kerana kita gagal merancang dan melaksanakan satu perubahan itu tanpa memikir hanya kerana megikut arahan pihak atasan. Segala moral dan akhlak ditolak ketepi, demi mengipas atau “yes boss” atau “betulah boss”. Pentadbiran urus korporat tidak digunapakai.

Komunikasi ‘break down’
Ini adalah antara ranking tertinggi masalah yang sering berlaku di organisasi. Ada beberapa sebab berlaku masalah ini. Antaranya pihak atasan terlalu ‘bossy’ dengan kakitangan mereka. Mereka tidak mengendahkan masalah yang berlaku di peringkat bawahan, tidak ‘briefing tugasan’ dengan baik, dan banyak memberikan arahan. Peratus tertinggi ialah pihak atasan hanya memberikan arahan kepada pekerja bawahan. Bayangkan apabila komunikasi tidak berkesan bagaimana pengurusan di organisasi tersebut? Anda sendiri tentu dapat bayangkan.

Cuba keluar dari bilik yang selesa dan turun ke bahagian operasi untuk mengetahui rungutan serta luahan rasa kakitangan. Adakalanya rungutan itu adalah satu cadangan yang boleh diterima pakai. Hanya mereka yang terlibat dalam sesuatu bidang itu mengetahui isu yang sebenarnya.

Posisi kerja dan kelayakan jauh berbeza
Antara rungutan yang sering diajukan kepada saya ramai staf yang tidak dapat menguasai bidang kerja mereka dengan baik. Cuba bayangkan anda berpotensi dalam bidang IT tetapi diletakkan dalam pengurusan kewangan. Bagaimana anda ingin menjalankan kerja anda? Saya tidak mengatakan itu adalah mustahil untuk dilakukan. Cuma jika tidak ada penerangan bidang kerja dengan jelas pasti akan memberikan tekanan pada staf tersebut.

Contoh yang lain, kapasiti kakaitangan itu hanya mampu melaksanakan kerja sebagai seorang kerani tetapi dipertanggungjawabkan untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja seorang eksekutif. Bagi individu tidak yang mengerti tentang tanggungjwab jawatan tersebut diterima sebagai tanda megah tetapi outputnya masih sama seperti yang diberikan oleh seorang kerani. Apabila kakitangfan tersebut gagal melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai seorang eksekutif, kita begitu mudah menyalahkannya.Kita sebenarnya telah menganayaikan individu tersebut.

Kurang mendapat pendedahan dan kursus
Kerja adalah satu cara menuntut output dari anda. Tetapi jika bertahun-tahun output dituntut dari seorang pekerja sedangkan dia kurang mendapat input, bagaimana situasi kerjanya? Pasti anda akan stres, kurang mahir dan juga hilang motivasi untuk melakukan kerja setiap hari. Ramai yang mengadukan hal ini kepada saya. Ada organisasi yang tidak dapat menguruskan latihan untuk staf mereka dengan baik sehinggakan ada yang bekerja 10 tahun belum pernah menghadiri kursus-kursus kemahiran kerja dan motivasi pembangunan diri.

Pengurusan secara “little napolean”
Dalam konsep lain ialah “little napolean” ialah “gila kuasa”, dimana beberapa indivisu mengadakan undang-undang kecil tersendiri didalam melaksanakan tugas dan menindaskan kakitangan bahagian yang lain atau bawahan. Situasi “syok sendiri” ini perlulah dihakiskan dan tentukan hanya arahan-arahan rasmi sahaja dikuatkuasakan.

Ataupun jika ingin mengeluarkan arahan atau teguran buatlah secara “formal” iaitu bertulis agar keputusan atau arahan tersebut boleh dirujuk dengan rasmi kepada pihak yang lebih tinggi atau bertanggungjawab.

Pengurusan secara ugutan atau ketakutan (management by fear)

Kakitangan ditakutkan dengan ugutan atau amaran yang bersifat menindas dan tidak amanah. Ini juga akan menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati dan seterusnya mempengaruhi produktiviti syarikat.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Sifat Durian Tempatan Malaysia (Bukan Durian Thailand) dalam Konsep Integriti

Alangkah baiknya jika pohon durian itu berbuah lebat, buah-buahnya tidak rosak dan isinya dapat dinikmati oleh semua. Jika tidak berbuah pun, alangkah baiknya jika dedaunan hijau yang merendang menjadi tempat berteduh anak-anak daripada terik mentari , redup cahaya membangkitkan nostalgia keanak-anakan.

Dan, alangkah baiknya jika semua manusia tahu bahawa pohon durian itu amat sensitif sifatnya. Sedikit akar terluka, makan tahun rajuk tidak berbunga. Andai berbunga pun, seminggu dua kudup mula berkembang pasti layu gugur ke bumi kerana rosak akarnya penyebab rosak kudupnya. Andai lekat sebiji dua buahnya, pasti mangkal, buruk dan kurang rasa enaknya.

Jika pohon durian itu berbuah lebat, jangan digoyong, dipanjat atau dijolok untuk menjatuhkan buah-buah itu sudah tentunya isinya belum masak dan tidak dapat dinikmati. Lebih bahaya lagi jika buah-buah durian itu gugur menimpa kepala kita atau kita terjatuh, terpaksalah ke klinik atau hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan.

Biarlah buah-buah durian itu gugur dengan sendirinya, sudah tentu isinya sudah cukup masak untuk dijamah dan jika dipelawa oleh empunya pokok, jemputlah sama-sama menjamah hasil buah durian yang mana pokoknya dibaja, dijaga dengan penuh keilkhlasan, rasa tanggungjawab serta berintegriti.

Mengukuh Amalan Integriti Dalam Perkerjaan

Sesungguhnya matlamat utama Allah s.w.t mencipta manusia hidup di atas muka bumi ini adalah untuk beribadah kepada-Nya, di samping diberi tanggungjawab dan amanah untuk memakmurkan bumi ini mengikut acuan dan panduan yang telah ditetapkan . Sesungguhnya Allah s.w.t. tidak mendapat apa-apa faedah atau keuntungan daripada apa yang dilakukan oleh manusia melainkan semua amalan tersebut kembali untuk diri mereka sendiri .

Perkara ini Jelas dinyatakan didalam Al-Quran surah al-Zhariyat ayat : 56 - 58

Maksud : " dan ( ingatlah ) aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk menyembah dan beribadah kepadaKu, Aku tidak sekali-sekali menghendaki sebarang rezeki pemberian daripada mereka dan aku tidak menghendaki supaya mereka memberi makan kepadaKu. Sesunggunhya Allah dialah sahaja yang memberi rezeki ( kepada sekalian makhluk-nya dan dialah sahaja ) yang mempunyai kekuasaan yang tidak terhingga, lagi yang Maha kuat kukuh kekuasaan-Nya . "

Sesungguhnya agama Islam menggalakkan umatnya supaya bekerja dengan bersungguh-sungguh bagi meningkatkan kesejahteraan kualiti diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan negara . Islam melarang dan memandang reandah kepada orang yang malas bekerja dan hanya bergantung nasib kepada pertolongan orang lain .

Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama bermuhasabah diri menilai kerja-kerja yang telah kita lakukan selama ini . Adakah kerja yang kita lakukan itu bertepatan dengan kehendak ajaran Islam dan dikira sebagai amal ibadah serta amal Saleh di sisi Allah s.w.t., Sesungguhnya amat malang dan rugi sekali sekiranya apa yang kita lakukan selama ini tidak mendapat apa-apa balasan dari Allah s.w.t..

Dalam Islam ibadah tidak hanya terbatas kepada sembahyang, berzikir dan bertasbih sahaja, dimana semua pekerjaan baik yang dilakukan oleh manusia dengan hati yang ikhlas dan tidak bercanggah dengan prinsip ajaran Islam, ia adalah satu tuntutan dan dikira sebagai ibadah serta mendapat pahala .

Kerana itu, Islam sangat menitikberatkan unsur kecemerlangan dan kualiti dalam sesuatu pekerjaan. Pekerja yang cemerlang merupakan aset yang bernilai dan membawa imej yang baik kepada sesebuah organisasi . Antara ciri-ciri pekerja yang cemerlang ialah rajin, tekun, berdisiplin, amanah sabar , penyayang, bertanggungjawab, dan sebagainya . bukanlah dikatakan pekerja yang cemerlang sekiranya melakukan tugas secara sambil lewa, cuai, tidak memberikan perkhidmatan yang memuaskan kepada pelanggan dan sebagainya . Lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang bersikap suka membuang masa, menyalahgunakan kuasa dan kedudukan, tidak menyimpan rahsia, pecah amanah, melakukan rasuah dan sebagainya . Ini semua melambangkan sikap pekerja yang tidak berintegriti dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan

Sehubungan itu, kita perlu mengukuhkan amalan integriti dan nilai-nilai murni dalam pekerjaan sepanjang masa . Dimana setiap pekerja perlu menangkis gejala-gejala negatif dalam pekerjaan baik dalam sector kerajaan mahupun sektor swasta .

Sekiranya seseorang itu mengabaikan tanggungjawab yang telah diamanahkan kepada-nya sedangkan ia menerima ganjaran ( upah ) seperti orang lain, ini bermakna beliau mendapat sumber pendapatan dari kegiatan tidak halal dan sengaja mengundang kemurkaan Allah s.w.t. Sabda Baginda ( s.a.w.)

" كُلُّ لَحْمٍ نَّبَتَ مِنْ حَرَامٍ فَالنَّارُ أَوْلَى بِهِ "

Yang bermaksud : " Setiap daging yang tumbuh dari makanan yang haram, maka nerakalah tempatnya " .

( Rawahu Al-Tirmizi )

Pekerja Islam adalah pekerja yang saling bantu membantu dan tolong menolong antara satu sama lain dalam erti kata bekerja sebagai satu pasukan ( Team Work ) dan bersaing dalam suasana yang dibenarkan oleh syara . Islam melarang sama sekali sikap suka memburuk-buruk atau menjatuhkan sesama sendiri bagi mencapai tujuan-tujuan tertentu atau mempunyai sifat dengki, iri hati , tamak, khianat, rasuah dan sebagainya . Sifat ini sekiranya tidak dibendung, ianya boleh diibaratkan sebagai duri dalam daging dan akhirnya akan merugikan majikan dan diri sendiri, bahkan anak-anak dan keluarga juga turutmerasainya.

Cuba kita perhatikan suasana ditempat kerja kita seharian, telah mula ujud dan terdapat segelintir pekerja yang hanya bekerja dengan mementingkan diri sendiri dan mengaibaikan nilai-nilai murni dalam pekerjaan mereka, akhirnya menyusahkan orang lain akibat dari sikap tersebut . Dan yang paling ditakuti sikap seumpama ini, sesetengahnya diikuti oleh orang lain dan ianya menjadi seakan-akan satu budaya dalam pekerjaan .

Tidak ketinggalan juga, terdapat segelintir pekerja disektor swasta atau bekerja sendiri atau pengusaha yang terlalu mementing diri sendiri dan keuntungan semata-mata tanpa sedikit pun ada perasaan prihatin atau mahu membantu orang lain dan menunaikan tanggungjawab sosial. Sebagai contoh dalam suasana kita mengahadapi kenaikan harga bahan baker, pihak kerajaan telah meminta kepada semua pengusaha pengusaha dan Peniaga-peniaga agar tidak menaikkan harga barangan atau apa-apa bayaran perkhidmatan tambahan dengan sewenangnya. Tetapi sebaliknya didapati ada yang melanggar permintaan tersebut . Perbuatan ini boleh diumpamakan sebagai menanguk diair keruh, menyusahkan orang lain demi kepentingan diri sendiri disebabkan dorong perasaan tamak dan ingin cepat kaya .

Sikap seumpama ini, bukan sahaja merugikan pada diri sendiri tetapi kepada semua, lebih-lebih lagi pada negara . Oleh itu, marilah sama-sama kita berusaha untukmengutamakan integriti dalam melaksanakan tugas seharian dengan bekerja penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan amanah, di samping menjauhkan diri kita dari sifat-sifat yang negatif seperti :-

  1. Suka menyalahkan orang lain dan beranggapan kitalah sahaja yang betul dalam semua keadaan .
  2. Menghabiskan masa dengan melakukan kerja-kerja persendirian
  3. Melakukan pembaziran dan berbual-bual kosong sesama rakan sekerja .
  4. Suka menonjolkan diri, berbanding sumbangan yang diberikan terlalu kecil . ini akan melahirkan kesan yang lebih borok lagi iaitu berlakunya permusuhan dan fitnah .

Apa yang penting tujuan dan matlamat bagi setiap pekerjaan adalah untuk mendapat keberkatan dan keredaan dari Allah s.w.t. dengan demikian akan wujudlah nilai keberkatan yang sebenar dalam setiap amalan dan pekerjaan yang kita lakukan seharian . Maka kita perlulah sentiasa memastikan setiap pekerjaan yang dilakukan menurut tuntutan syara’ seperti:-

  1. Niat yang ikhlas untuk mendapatkan keredaan dari Allah s.w.t. di samping mengharapkan pekerjaan itu diterima sebagai ibadah dan amal soleh .
  2. Berazam dengan semangat bekerja bersungguh-sungguh sehingga mampu menghasilkan daya cipta dan kreativiti yang berkualiti kepada organisasi dan pelanggan .
  3. Bijak dalam merancang dan melaksanakan sesuatu tindakan terutama dalam soal mengelak berlakunya pembaziran .
  4. Hendaklah sentiasa mengamalkan sikap sabar setiap masa dan bertawakal serta berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t. bagi menjamin hasil yang sempurna dan berkualiti .

Saturday, 5 December 2009


"To make others happier and better is the highest ambition" (John Lubbock)
From its heyday period of 1929-1951, and even before and after, a diverse set of new ideas emerged out of many fields, primarily psychology and sociology, almost by accident, to change the shape of organizational science. The heyday period was really the first time that the orientations, feelings, and values of workers were seriously treated as being a valid and important part of organizational dynamics and deserving of incorporation in organizational theory. There were numerous contributors, along with numerous ideas, and no lecture note can ever hope to provide a comprehensive review. Hence, the selections below should be taken as only a sample of the human relations management style movement. Skipped is the usual introductory section where these lecture notes try to sort out the constructs and concepts involved in naming the movement. It goes by a lot of names: e.g., the social man movement, democratic management theory, participative management, etc., and the list could go on and on. What really matters are the ideas, and NOT so much who contributed what and what name was given to their contribution.
It's difficult to tell the story of the human relations movement in chronological order, although some attempt is made here. It is considered conventional to cite the father of the "human relations" movement as Elton Mayo (1880-1949), a Harvard professor trained in psychopathology who is most famous for the well-known "Hawthorne Studies" -- a series of 20-year experiments at a Western Electric plant in Cicero, Illinois which began in 1927. Originally, the Hawthorne Studies were intended to be a study in scientific management in the tradition of F. W. Taylor, and there were three major projects carried out:
(1) the illumination experiments;
(2) the relay assembly room study; and
(3) the bank wiring room study.
Out of these studies, a phenomenon known as the Hawthorne Effect was discovered, and this phenomenon has been generalized to almost every theory in every field of study there is.
(1.) In the illumination experiments, the researchers were interested in determining how the level of lighting on the factory floor affected productivity. The researchers divided assembly line workers into four groups. In the first group, the level of lighting was kept constant. In the remaining three groups, the researchers manipulated the level of illumination in order to discover the optimum level of lighting that would increase productivity. The surprising result was that all four groups, regardless of the level of illumination, increased productivity. The "Hawthorne Effect" is the name given to the 112% increase in output by workers who perceive that they are being watched and studied somehow. It didn't hurt matters that Mayo and his good-looking male research assistants were studying an almost all-female group of workers. They found that output increased even when the lighting levels were decreased, even when salaries were adjusted downward, and even when worker complaints were ignored. By a process of elimination, the only explanation left was the attention Mayo and his assistants were paying to the workers. Over the years, managers have used the Hawthorne Effect successfully for quick gains in productivity by implementing self-study committees, announcing surprise audits, establishing task forces of various kinds, and in general, keeping the workers tied up with busy-work that has the appearance of ongoing research.
(2.) In the relay assembly room study, a group of employees were taken off the regular assembly line and placed in a special room. The researchers did this in an effort to isolate the employees who were being studied from the rest of the assembly line. The researchers wanted to see if this change in the work environment impacted productivity. The employees selected for assignment to the relay assembly room were treated differently from regular employees. For example, they were given extra break during the course of the shift and were allowed to leave thirty minutes before their shift would have normally been over with pay. In addition, the workers were given free lunches and assigned to work a five-day week, instead of the normal six day week required at that time. The researchers expected to see an eventual drop in productivity, but were surprised to see steady gains in productivity, and even a decline in absenteeism. This illustrated the hawthorne effect once again.
(3.) In the bank wiring room study, researchers were specifically interested in learning more about the social nature of work groups, so a group of fourteen employees who wired telephone switchboard banks were studied. A researcher continuously observed the behavior of the employees and took notes on his observations. The bank wiring employees were paid according to how many units they wired that met quality standards. However, virtually all of the employees wired approximately 6,600 units per day, which almost never varied from day to day or from week to week. The researchers discovered that most employees were capable of producing more than this number of units, but when they attempted to do so, their fellow workers put informal pressure on them to refrain from doing so. The researchers concluded that informal relationships among workers were more important than money for these workers.
Mayo (1945) stated that the reason workers are more strongly motivated by informal things is that individuals have a deep psychological need to believe that their organization cares about them. Workers want to believe their organization is open, concerned, and willing to listen. When workers complain about something, they don't often have any factual basis for a valid complaint because all they want is some "validation" they are part of the organization. The sociological implications are that the human dimensions of work (group relations) exert a tremendous influence on behavior, overriding the organizational norms and even an individual's self-interests. This discovery of "social capacity" was nothing short of revolutionary for human resource management and ushered in a whole new era of "employee-centered management." The "Cult of Mayoism" became the dominant paradigm of the day, as administrators everywhere sought to re-train supervisors to play the role that Mayo's assistants played. This led to the establishment of "management retreats" where managers engaged in Rogerian therapies, Maslowian therapies, sensitivity training, Parent-Adult-Child training, and any other form of group dynamics to become more employee-centered.
1. Supervisors should not act like supervisors -- they should be friends, counselors to the workers
2. Managers should not try to micro-manage -- there should be no overriding concern for production
3. People should be periodically asked how they feel about their work -- and their supervisors
4. Humanistic supervision plus morale equals productivity -- the Mayo formula
5. Humor and sarcasm are good in the workplace -- it's all part of group dynamics
6. Workers should be consulted before any changes -- and participate in change decisions
7. Employees who leave should be exit-interviewed -- turnover should be kept to a minimum
Mayoism was criticized on several grounds, most of which revolved around the claim it was "cow psychology" which could be expressed by the phrase "Contented Cows Give More Milk." Mayoism was a bit too idealistic in trying to remove all forms of conflict within an organization, a bit too evangelistic in trying to save the world, and it excused much immaturity and irresponsibility among the workers. Some of the harshest critics were March & Simon (1958) and Charles Lindblom (1959). March & Simon (1958) called Mayoism a "garbage-can model" of decision-making because it was basically irrational and seemed to offer a garbage can full of easy answers. March & Simon themselves were critics of perfect rationality, and gave us such terms as "bounded rationality" and "satisficing" to explain the kinds of things managers have to settle for. Lindblom (1959) also studied the process of limited rationality, and said that Mayoism can't figure out how to sort and value-rank competing employee needs relative to a particular problem. Therefore, it results in an incremental (slow, step-by-step) approach to innovation because a manager must act on compromises.
Chester Barnard (1938) was a formidable part of Mayo's human relations movement, even before Mayo became famous. Barnard had long said that managers need to know more about human behavior, and in particular, more about the informal groups of an organization, especially the relationships between workers and outsiders. He stressed short, direct lines of communication, vertical communication that was persuasive and overcame differences. He is probably best known for his concept of "zones of indifference" which is the idea that good leaders should try to take middle-of-the-road, or neutral, positions on issues as much as possible because each person's attitude usually has such a middle-ground area where they will believe or obey without question. Barnard said that while orders given by management to employees are certainly significant, the Hawthorne Studies pointed out that this is not always enough. Workers must also be willing to obey. Thus, a certain amount of cooperation between management and employees is necessary. Authority is not all that is necessary, as the classical schools of management would have it. Barnard reinforced what became a fundamental idea in organizational theory: that all organizations possess a formal organization and an informal organization. Barnard asserted that the informal organization regulates how and even if employees will obey management orders and instructions. Based upon this contention, he taught there are basically only three types of orders that can be given by managers to employees:

• First are orders that are unquestionably acceptable and that are always obeyed because they lie within what Barnard called their zone of indifference, or typically dealt with things that are part of an employee's job description and are routine.
• Second are orders that may or may not be followed, depending upon the employee and the conduct accepted by the employee's informal organization because such orders come close to being unacceptable.
• Third are orders that are completely unacceptable and that will always be disobeyed because these kinds of orders go way beyond an employee's zone of indifference.
No less important than Barnard is the "prophetess of management" Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933), a Harvard professor in social work who practiced Gestalt psychology and was a popular consultant for business. Follett was somewhat of an enigma, a woman in a male-dominated field with ideas ahead of her time. She is associated with the discovery of various phenomena, such as the "Groupthink Effect" in committee meetings, creativity exercises such as "brainstorming," and most importantly, what later became called MBO (Management By Objectives) and TQM/CQI (Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality Improvement). She was an advocate of honor and civility in the workplace. She also advocated the idea that power and authority derive from function, not the privilege of office. Such ideas, and her strong belief in grassroots empowerment were quite revolutionary at the time. In Follett's (1941) book published posthumously, it is explained she saw power as a principle of "with" rather then "over" and would recommend the creation of power-sharing arrangements in organizations. Japanese managers discovered her writings in the 1950's and credit her ideas along with those of W. Edwards Deming as revitalizing their industrial base.
The "guru of quality management" is W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993), an American statistician, college professor, and business consultant who is perhaps best known for his work in Japan doing postwar reconstruction. He was only supposed to assist Gen. MacArthur with re-establishing the Japanese census, but in the process of teaching Japanese industrialists statistical process control (SPC), he found himself lecturing from 1950-1960 on concepts of quality. The Japanese started applying his ideas about quality, and then started experiencing heretofore unheard of levels of productivity, turning Japan into an economic powerhouse and creating a whole new international demand for Japanese products (establishment of customer brand loyalty). His book (Deming 1986) is regarded as the classic masterpiece on how to do high-quality, productive, and satisfying work. Deming's 14 points are able to take any organization and make it efficient and capable of enduring almost any problem by introducing a Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle of continuous improvement. A key feature is how workers are to be treated since he believes that taking the fear out of the workplace will make employees have pride in their workmanship and this will in turn increase production. Along these lines, Deming taught that making changes in response to "normal" variation within an organization was unwise, and a proper understanding of variation includes the mathematical certainty that variation will normally occur within six standard deviations of the mean. Thus Six Sigma -- the symbol for standard deviation -- became the symbol of so-called "Black Belts" with organizational transformation expertise. Deming's 14 points are:

1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service
2. Adopt a new philosophy for a new economic age
3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality
4. Minimize total cost
5. Improve constantly and forever
6. Institute training on the job
7. Institute leadership
8. Drive out fear
9. Break down barriers between departments
10. Eliminate slogans
11. Eliminate quotas
12. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement
14. Involve everyone in the organization to work toward transformation
Doug McGregor (1960) founded Theory X and Theory Y management theory which was inspired by Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Theory X, which McGregor called traditional management is based on the idea employees are lazy and need to be motivated by crass, material rewards. Theory Y, which McGregor favored, is based on the idea that employees are creative and need to have their potential unleashed. McGregor held a positive view about the goodness of human nature, and advanced the argument that introducing humanistic concerns into organizations would lead to more effective management. He believed, in other words, that employee needs and organizational needs could be successfully merged. Managers should not use threats or coercion in order to gain employee compliance. Any practice of Theory X management would cause psychological damage to workers. Management should instead develop a work environment where an employee can achieve his or her own goals by directing their own efforts toward organizational objectives. Thus, under Theory Y, the role of managers is to organize the workplace and then to delegate as much autonomy and responsibility to employees as possible. Managers should also try to decentralize authority, allowing workers to participate in management decisions. And, most important of all, employees should be evaluated only on the basis of objectives set by each employee. McGregor concluded that any employee misbehavior had to be the result of a bad management style (Theory X).
McGregor's theory did not escape criticism because several administrative theorists took him to task for abandoning principles like hierarchy and division of labor. On the other hand, McGregor's theory seems to be the kind of theory which has some staying power. In 1981, William Ouchi came up with a variant called "Theory Z" which combined American and Japanese management styles to emphasize collective decisionmaking, long-term employment prospects, low-key evaluations, informal controls, moderately specialized career paths, and a holistic concern for the employee, including their family.
Chris Argyris (1957) was a social science researcher who advocated a type of participant-observation research based on Hawthorne Effect-like principles, i.e., involving your research subjects in designing the way your survey questions are worded and how concepts should be operationally defined and measured. He founded a management theory called "Immaturity-Maturity Theory" which is based on an organic model of organizations as living, happy beings, and requiring managers to be babysitters at times and reality therapists at other times. He is more commonly known for his more modern work in the area of "learning organizations" where he has pioneered the notions of "single-loop" learning (actions lead to consequences) and "double-loop" learning (consequences lead back to decisions about which actions to take). In any event, his presence in the human relations movement is formidable. He has long advocated the development and practice of a management style along the lines of McGregor's Theory Y, but goes further, and has asserted that organizations ought to be engaging in intervention efforts such as Organizational Development (OD). A typical OD scenario involves a consultant coming into the organization, assessing the problems and tensions that exist, and recommending various measures and techniques to bring change about. Argyris argued that employment of these techniques would reduce tension and conflict among employees and management, which in turn would result in increased productivity.
Warren Bennis (1960) is widely regarded as a pioneer in the field of leadership studies, and has long been devoted to bringing about less hierarchical, more democratic, and more adaptive organizations. According to Bennis, democracy is the organizational design most appropriate for assuring survival in a complex, rapidly changing environment, and that sooner or later, we will see the demise of bureaucratic organizations and the rise of democratic organizations. Society is becoming more complex and so are the technological problems that organizations face, and besides, a growing professionalism among workers means that democracy is inevitable since professionals would never want to continue working in bureaucracies. The characteristics of "democratic management" are as follows:
• Free, full, open communication regardless of rank, status, or power
• Consensus management of conflict
• Influence on the basis of personal knowledge and technical competence
• An atmosphere of permissiveness toward emotional expression
• acceptance of inevitable conflicts between the organization and some individuals
Robert Greenleaf (1977) founded the servant leadership movement, which is an ethical perspective on leadership that identifies key moral behaviors that leaders must continuously demonstrate in order for any organization being led to make progress. Some of those key moral behaviors include: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. A servant-leader grows as a person. A servant-leader is a servant first. To become a servant-leader, one must have the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first; then a consciousness arises about one's aspirations to lead.
Keith Davis (during the 1950s and 1960s) was a human relations specialist (aka "Mr. Human Relations") who tried to apply Mayoist principles to law enforcement agencies by preaching about such things as job enlargement and job enrichment. His work (Davis 1967) prompted the field of criminal justice education to take a close look at all the ethical dilemmas and puzzling circumstances CJ employees face every day. His work also had the effect of glamorizing and generating public interest in policing as a career.

Fred Herzberg (1923-2000) founded "Motivation-Hygiene Theory" which is based on 5 types of organizational "satisfiers" and 5 types of organizational "dissatisfiers" with hygiene factors being the dissatisfiers and motivators being the satisfiers. People are assumed, in their attribution style, to be either hygiene-seekers or motivation-seekers, in which case they are driven by changes in job context or job content, respectively. It is better to be a motivation-seeker since hygiene-seekers let the organization down when their talents are most needed. The theory is a little bit more extensive than can be portrayed here, but perhaps the following chart helps:
Hygiene Seekers Motivation Seekers
Primarily dissatisfied by:
1. company policy and administration
2. supervision
3. salary
4. interpersonal relations
5. working conditions
A. motivated by job context - the environment of the job
B. will overreact to improvements in hygiene factors (short-term "shot-in-the-arm" boost) but will also overreact when hygiene factors not improved.
C. usually a talented but cynical individual who mocks the company philosophy and top management
D. realizes little satisfaction from achievements, and shows little interest in the kind of work done Primarily satisfied by:
1. achievement
2. recognition
3. the work itself
4. responsibility
5. advancement
A. motivated by job content - the nature of the task
B. doesn't overreact to changes in hygiene factors, and also has short durations of satisfaction, but milder periods of dissatisfaction
C. usually an overachiever who has positive feelings toward work and life in general
D. profits professionally from accomplishments, and takes details of tasks seriously
Rensis Likert (1903-1981), (pronounced 'Lick-urt'), is famous for his 7-point continuum research scales, so-called "Likert scales" in social science research, such as /------strongly agree----agree----disagree-----strongly disagree-----/, and also for a number of studies into leadership, called the "University of Michigan studies." In general, he advocated more employee-oriented leadership and supportive management. Of some historical significance is the debate between the University of Michigan studies versus the Ohio State University studies. The field that is addressed by this debate is called behavioral leadership theory, and the debate goes as follows:

The Michigan versus Ohio School Debates
Likert and his team at Michigan identified two distinct styles of leadership which they referred to as "job-centered" and "employee-centered." A job-centered leader believes that employees are just a means to an end and that the best way to deal with them is by close supervision, coercion, and use of legitimate/position power. An employee-centered leader believes it is necessary to be supportive of workers, give them opportunities for advancement, and lead as part of a team. After extensive research, the Michigan studies did NOT find that one style was better than the other. The Ohio State team identified two similar distinct styles of leadership and called them "initiating structure" and "consideration." A leader who focused on initiating structure was the kind who believed in getting the job done, clearly telling employees what was expected of them, and using job descriptions and organizational charts extensively. A leader who focused on consideration believed in interacting with their employees with friendship, mutual trust, warmth, and rapport. After extensive research, the Ohio studies found that leaders should be high on BOTH initiating structure and consideration in order to be effective, but later research produced mixed results, including the finding that supervisors who used more initiating structure were rated higher by their supervisors while lower by their employees. The debate over who measured things better and who's research to trust has never been resolved to date.
Interest in how to make organizations and leaders more human relations-oriented never seems to fade away. A larger movement, called Organizational Humanism, came into being during the 1960s and 70s. Whereas the earlier human relations theorists only wanted employees to stop being ignored and exploited by organizations, organizational humanists wanted to integrate the needs of employees with the needs of organizations. They believed, like McGregor (1960) did, that working in traditional organizations caused psychological damage to people. A key figure in this regard is Robert Golembiewski who wrote several books during the 1970s about applying aspects of Organizational Humanism to public sector organizations and coined terms such as "organizational neurosis" (Golembiewski 1978).
Most of Golembiewski's (1978) research is directed toward the problems of stress and burnout in organizations. Some 20% of working adults worldwide experience on-the-job burnout, and the averages are higher in more industrialized countries (40% in Germany; 60% in Japan). On-the-job burnout generally has three initial warning signs:
• a high degree of depersonalization in which a person keeps others at a distance
• a lack of personal accomplishment and belief that the job is not worth doing
• high emotional exhaustion resulting in an inability to cope with other stressors
Golembiewski (2002) has also found that in public sector bureaucracies, careerists are often kept under control by keeping them underfunded and understaffed. Therefore, public sector management needs to change and adopt a more decentralized style, and the key to accomplishing this is to stop forcing government employees to subsume their personal view of morality for the morality of the organization and its management. According to Golembiewski, if and when the organization becomes an employee's moral authority, atrocities can result.
The new public management (NPM) movement wants to integrate employee ethics and morality with the needs of organizations. The movement began as an academic conference of left-leaning public management faculty at Syracuse University's Minnowbrook Conference Center in 1968. For this reason, the new public management is sometimes referred to as the Minnowbrook perspective. Advocates of that perspective argue that bureaucrats should not only bring their morality to work with them, but they should work toward more socially-conscious policy. They argue that bureaucrats should take an activist position in order to solve the world's problems by being better "thinking" and "sensitive" bureaucrats. They advocate that efficiency should be replaced by something called social equity in how a public sector organization is evaluated. The movement has not gone without its criticism, and in some ways seems to be making progress while in other ways seems to be dying off. It appears that NPM may have settled on the following principles (the four D's) to work on as far as their contributions to public administration in the future:
• debureaucratization
• democratization
• delegation
• decentralization
Accel Team Notes on Chris Argyris and Others
Gallery of Famous Management People
Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership
Hawthorne, Pygmalion, and Placebo Effects
Hawthorne Experiments and Findings
Human Relations Approaches to Motivation
Mary Parker Follett: Visionary Genius
Onepine Info on Elton Mayo and Others
W. Edwards Deming Institute
Wikipedia Entry on Six Sigma
Wikipedia Entry on NPM
Argyris, C. (1957). Personality and organization. NY: Harper Collins.
Barnard, C. (1938). The functions of the executive. Boston: Harvard Univ. Press.
Bennis, W. (1966). Changing organizations. NY: McGraw Hill.
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Calas, M. & McGuire, J. (1996). "Not ahead of her time: Reflections on Mary Parker Follett as a prophet of nanagement." Organization 3(1): 147-152.
Davis, K. (1967). Human relations at work. NY: McGraw Hill.
Deming, W. (1986). Out of the crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Fox, E. (1968). "Mary Parker Follett: The enduring contribution." Public Administration Review 28(6): 520-529.
Golembiewski, R. (1978). Organization development in public administration. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Golembiewski, R. (2002). Ironies in organizational development. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Graham, P. (Ed.) (1995). Mary Parker Follett: Prophet of management. Knoxville, IL: Beard Books.
Greenleaf, R. (1977). Servant leadership. NY: Paulist Press.
Lindblom, C. (1959) "The science of muddling through" Public Administration Review 19: 79-88.
March, J. & Simon, H. (1958) Organizations. NY: Wiley.
Mayo, E. (1933). The human problems of an industrial civilization. New York: MacMillan.
Mayo, E. (1945). The social problems of an industrial civilization. Boston: Harvard Univ. Press.
McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise. NY: McGraw Hill.
O'Connor, E. (1999). "The politics of management thought: A case study of Harvard business school and the human relations school." Academy of Management Review 24(1): 117-131.
Ouchi, W. (1981). Theory Z. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Trahair, R. (1984). The human temper: The life and work of Elton Mayo. New Brunswick, NJ: