About Me

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Received my early education at the Rifle Range Road (2) Primary School, Kuala Lumpur. Attended junior high school at Raja Abdullah Secondary School, Kuala Lumpur and high school at Technical Institute, Kuala Lumpur. Further study at Mara Institute of Technology (ITM), Shah Alam, Selangor and obtained Certificate in Town and Regional Planning and Diploma in Quantity Surveying. Continued study in Mara University of Technology (UiTM) and obtained Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours). I am a skilled commercial manager with extensive background in-and thorough knowledge of- development, construction, maintenance and construction contracts. Also having knowledge and experience in project, facilities and property management. Experienced in developing and implementing competitive cost planning, project budgeting, cost controlling and development appraisal. Exceptional organizational, analytic and managerial skills. Career as Commercial Expert till now.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

The Role of Quantity Surveyors In Combating Corruption.

Globally, large-scale development projects are vulnerable to extreme cost increases caused by several factors. Malaysia, as in many other countries, has a problem in managing corruption issues, where the process should have been utilized to benefit the individual or company in the other sense of the conflict of interest, often during the pre and post stage of the contract itself.

The involvement of competent Quantity Surveyors in the project professional team has been seen to provide certainty and control of project requirements, while also helping to reduce costs. High-scale development projects tend to be complex efforts from the beginning and can be more complicated when design changes are introduced without government and professional teams who are aware of cost implications.

One of the key issues in any project is to ensure the tender is given to the right priced properly. Quantity Surveyors play an important role here as they are trained to manage the financial and legislative processes of a project. During the design stage, the Quantity Surveyors arrangement is a tool to ensure the design remains in the budget. During the procurement stage, Quantity Surveyors produce the Bills of Quantities (BoQ) which are part of the Tender Document, where tender and fair are based. BoQ is the main document that provides customers with the knowledge of how many projects will be spent before construction begins, which are invaluable in evaluating the tender before they are awarded.

Experience and professional training of Quantity Surveyors make them the best people to evaluate tenders. "BoQ acts as the basis for the entire project. Any subsequent additions or omissions to the project will also be evaluated and calculated using BoQ as a guideline, the surveyor then acts as a supervisor throughout the project: monitoring progress against BoQ, authorizing payment as work completed, merging deviations from the tender and, ultimately, result in a final account and can defend it to any shareholder.

The Quantity Surveying skills are very important as they can handle any unexpected turnover and management review, which allows architects, engineers and the whole team of professionals to focus on their own tasks.

To have the greatest impact, Quantity Surveyors should be directly involved from the project's initial stage and also engage in planning and qualification reports in addition to the approval of the actual acquisition strategy.

Therefore, I recommend that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission be able to locate competent Quantity Surveyors in the appointed team to investigate the costs associated with the misconduct and conflict of interest of large scale development projects.
As long as the cost of large-scale development projects in Malaysia is not certified and run professionally, each will threaten the welfare of the nation's economy. Malaysia has officially practiced value principles for money to combat corruption in the construction sector.

Peranan Jurukur Bahan Di dalam Memerangi Rasuah.

Secara global, projek pembangunan berskala besar sangat mudah terdedah kepada kenaikan kos yang melampau yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Malaysia, seperti di banyak negara lain, kita mempunyai masalah dalam menanagani isu rasuah, di mana proses sewajarnya telah dimanfaatkan untuk memberi manfaat kepada individu atau syarikat yang berkaitan dalam erti lain konflik kepetingan, ini seringkali semasa peringkat pra and post kontrak itu sendiri.

Penyertaan Jurukur Bahan yang kompiten dalam pasukan profesional projek telah dilihat akan memberikan kepastian dan mengawal keperluan projek, sementara juga membantu mengurangkan kos. Projek pembangunan skala tinggi cenderung menjadi usaha yang kompleks dari awal dan boleh menjadi lebih rumit apabila perubahan reka bentuk diperkenalkan tanpa pihak kerajaan dan pasukan profesional yang menyedari implikasi kos.
Salah satu isu utama dalam mana - mana projek adalah untuk memastikan tender itu diberikan kepada kontraktor yang betul diharga yang betul. Jurukur Bahan memainkan peranan penting di sini kerana mereka dilatih untuk menguruskan proses kewangan dan perundangan sesuatu projek. Semasa peringkat reka bentuk, perkiraan Jurukur Bahan adalah alat untuk memastikan reka bentuk kekal dalam belanjawan. Semasa peringkat perolehan, Jurukur Bahan  menghasilkan Senarai Kuantiti atau “Bills of Quantities” (BoQ) sebahagian dari Dokumen Tender yang mana  adalah berdasarkan tender yang adil. BoQ adalah dokumen utama yang menyediakan pelanggan dengan pengetahuan tentang berapa banyak projek yang akan dibelanjakan sebelum pembinaan bermula, yang tidak ternilai dalam menilai tender sebelum mereka dianugerahkan.

Pengalaman dan latihan profesional Jurukur Bahan menjadikan mereka orang terbaik untuk menilai tender. "BoQ bertindak sebagai asas bagi keseluruhan projek. Apa-apa penambahan atau peninggalan berikutnya kepada projek itu juga akan dinilai dan dikira menggunakan BoQ sebagai garis panduan, jurukur  kemudian bertindak sebagai pengawas sepanjang projek: pemantauan kemajuan terhadap BoQ, membenarkan pembayaran sebagai kerja selesai, mencantumkan penyimpangan dari tender dan, akhirnya, menghasilkan akaun akhir dan dapat mempertahankannya kepada mana-mana pemegang saham.

Kemahiran Jurukur Bahan sangat penting kerana mereka boleh mengendalikan sebarang perolehan dan semakan pengurusan yang tidak diduga, yang membolehkan arkitek, jurutera dan seluruh pasukan profesional menumpukan pada tugas mereka sendiri.
Untuk mempunyai kesan yang paling besar, Jurukur Bahan harus terlibat langsung dari peringkat permulaan projek dan juga terlibat dalam laporan perancangan dan kelayakan sebagai tambahan kepada kelulusan strategi perolehan sebenar.

Oleh itu, saya menyarankan agar pihak Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dapat menempatkan Jurukur Bahan yang kompeten dalam pasukan yang dilantik untuk menyiasat kos yang berkaitan dengan salahlaku dan konflik kepentingan projek pembangunan yang berskala besar. Selagi kos projek pembangunan berskala besar di Malaysia tidak disahkan dan dikendalikan secara profesional, masing-masing akan memberi ancaman kepada kebajikan ekonomi negara. Malaysia sememangnya secara rasmi mengamalkan prinsip nilai untuk wang untuk memerangi rasuah dalam sektor pembinaan.